Thursday, October 21, 2021

My amazing wave poet

 Hope you like my wave poet.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

My cool experiment

 Hi, Today for distance learning we did an experiment theses are the slides of my experiment.


Thursday, August 19, 2021

kea distance learning activity!!!

 For kea distance learning our activity was to build a rocket so I built a rocket.

First, I gathered some materials, but I could not find any cardboard so I used cardboard rolls.

Next, I tried to find some glue, but I couldn't find any so I used so loon bands instead to connect it and I also slit it so it would slide in.

Finally, I secured the rocket with more loon bands so it wouldn't break. THE END!!!✌

Here's mine but It can't fly:)

My Rocket
My Rocket

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The tunnel part 2

If you have not read my first story of The tunnel go read it before you read this one: THE TUNNEL

                                                         THE TUNNEL PART 2

The Week after the first tunnel we did storychat again and again I decided to make another tunnel but this time I asked Sarah and Jaz to help me make it.

First, we got the little red table in waka rua and put it sideways so the ends are facing one end of the classroom then we got some colourful chairs and put them on the end of the table going sideways as well then we put sheets on top.

Next, we got the little blue table then laid it the same as the other red table then added more chairs. After we put the chairs down we put more sheets on top so there were no light holes then, I tested it it was fun to go through but it was small and narrow so no one else could go through.

After that, Whaea Sarah started to take photos of our tunnel before it was time to pack up so I quickly took a photo of it as well with my Chromebook.

Finally, we packed up the chairs, tables, and sheets and line up at the island ready to go into the fale.
                                                                                 THE END!!!
our tunnel!!

T-Shaped literacy 2


What are the tunnels used for? (purpose of the tunnels)

Where are the tunnels located?

How did they create the tunnels?

Text: The tunnel in our backyard

To escape

Maungakiekie/Mt Albert

They dug the tunnels with shovels to escape to another place

Text: I am Alice

To walk through and drive through


Alice (Alice tunnel boring machine) made the Waterview tunnel

Friday, August 13, 2021


On Friday we had storychat and for storychat, there was task and activities so I decided to do one. I decided to make a tunnel Luminous helped me.

First, we got the little blueish grey chairs the lined them up so the tip of them touched the other side.

Next, we got sheets and put them on top so no one could see the exit. We ran out of the little chairs so we improvised with the big colourful chairs.

Then, we made an obstacle course near the end with the big chairs because there was a line at the bottom.

After that, we used the science fair boards around the big chairs and then another sheet on top of the big chairs then there was another big chair for the exit.

A little while later, I made an opened and closed sign and also a one person at a time sign. Mrs. M.R gave Me and Luminous some tokens and if someone wanted to go through the tunnel we would write their names on the tokens and when they were at the end they got out and gave their used token to Luminous then got on with their work.

Finally, we packed up then put all the chairs and everything else we used away because some boys were being silly in it, but overall it was really fun.  THE END!

Flight forces

          Do you know what the four flight forces are? Well, I do if you read this It will tell you!!!

On Monday Kea did a science experiment about the flight forces, Whaea Sarah introduced it to us she also showed us a video about the four flight forces Thrust, Drag, Weight, and Lift then we got a piece of Flax a Timer and a Sheet of paper then we got into our groups I was with Belinda, Rakaii, and Junior went out on the courts it felt windy and cold, it was so cold it actually felt like a bunch of juices on your body then we decided our roles, The roles were, thrower, timer, measurer and recorder. Rakaii was the thrower, Belinda was the recorder, Junior was the timer and I was the measurer. On the count of three, Rakaii threw the flax while Junior was recording the time as soon as the flax stopped and hit the ground Junior stopped the time and then I measured with my feet while Junior told Belinda the time then I told Belinda the distance in feet.

We were testing this because we wanted to test the flight forces.   A little while later we went inside and shared back what we did whose result was the best and was the experiment fun my result was the best because I got 52 ft in 5.11 seconds. The experiment was super fun. Everyone wanted to keep on going but it was time to pack up so we gave the flax, timers, and papers to Whaea Sarah then we sat on the mat for morning tea.

    Have you ever done an experiment like this? What was your time and distance? Can your time and distance beat my record?

Monday, August 2, 2021

Game T-shaped literacy


What type of games are included in the text? List examples

What style or theme of games are they?

What do you think the purpose of these types of games are?

Text:  Games we play!

.Hiko juggling



.grass skiing


.Kake Rore stilts

.Rere Rakau

Pei Pua


Moa (spinning tops)

.Hand made games

.Outdoor games

.Ball games and many more

So kids can have fun even though they have no technology to play online games so they can create new games with different materials.

Text: Sparklers

.Common grounds

.The faces game

.Sleeping statues


. loop-de-loop

. Frozen- emotions


. complement tag

. Pirate play

.Fruit salad

.can't do it without you

. up and down

. sliding emotions


Breathing games

Emotion games

Trust games

Friend games

Complementing games and more  

To help calm down and to trust people

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Gravity experiment writing

                              Do you know what gravity is?

Well…  on Monday Kea did a science experiment about gravity!.

First, we watched a short video about gravity and how Isaac Newton discovered it by peacefully sitting under a tree then BAM! an apple fell on his head, after watching the video kea did it themselves.

Next, We got into groups of four, then headed to our waka. We had to predict and write down our hypothesis for each object. After writing our hypothesis we gathered ten items to put to the test to see which would drop to the ground first.

After we dropped the items and the lighter fell to the ground first. Once the items were dropped we wrote down our results then recorded other groups' results.

Finally, we packed up and sat on the mat for morning tea.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Our Science fair

Have you ever had a science fair?

Well...on the last day of the term, Kea had a science fair.    
All of the stalls were set up ready to start the science fair. In my group were Exodus, Nafi, Sale, Manu, and me.  In the science fair, my role was the experimenter and we were The volcanic crew. Our question was does the effect of the temperature affect the magma? Our results were that the temperature does affect the magma in the explosion. When the science fair started Takahe came they mostly went to play with the sand to make tiny volcano explosions.

Next, Some parents came to our stall right away. They were interested in our work and asked many questions. It was super fun and educational, the science fair was also very easy for me to do.

A little while later, Hoiho came to our stall and was interested in what we did when we were talking.

Finally, it was the end of the Science fair. All the parents and Hoiho left and each house like Puketapapa, Owairaka, and more got given a job. In my house Puketapapa, we had to sweep the hall and clean it. When we cleaned the hall we got ready to go home and then when it was 3.00pm we went home.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Travel Wise Poster/Keeping kids out of Car parks!

Hi, For the past few days we have been doing travel wise posters about, wearing a helmet, Walking your scooter/bike across crossings and in school grounds or keep kids out of car parks i choose to do a poster about keeping kids out of car parks because I know what can happen if your in a car park with lots of cars.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Flood barrier experiment

                             Have you ever built a flood barrier to protect your house?

                       Well... on Monday Kea did a science experiment about flood barriers!.

         The next day, I joined Elijah's group, Peyton joined as well, because we were not here on Monday.

      While everyone was here, I checked who was in my group and they were Elijah, Robel, Sulia, Peyton,            and Kylie. We were all finishing building, then Robel and I went to record some other groups that finished their Flood barriers to see if they would survive or not.

        Later on, while we were recording we saw some awesome flood barriers for example one group flood        barrier was made out of cotton balls it was really cool. Some groups did the experiment while we were recording other groups so we didn't get to see what happened.

                         I wonder what would have happened if we used more absorbent things?

                                                                      The end!

The most amazing boat animation ever

 Hi, in Cybersmart today we have been learning how to do a stop motion animation I already knew how to do it because I have done a lot of stop motion animation before. I found it hard to move it exactly to make it look like it was actually moving. What I found easy was making props and the boat. Next time I could try making it look better. If you want to make a stop motion animation don't try and copy it all and try to make it look the same just press  CTRL D to duplicate it.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Wesley Primary School

 Welcome to Wesley Primary School

Tsunami facts

 Hi, we have been learning about Tsunami's and here is a slide I put together with my friend.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 For the past few days, we have been learning about Matariki we had many tasks to do and I choose this one and a couple others, for this task we had to design a Matariki breakfast menu and this is what I did.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Cassie news

 Kea has recently learned about Tornados so as a task we wrote a mini news article about tornados.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Blackout newspaper


This is what it says.
Alarming Images of animals with a home not easy unfortunately specific conditions seem
toxic , result is not for jobs , accepted network will work.

Exploring blogs

 Hi, we are learning to explore other's blogs. This is Sarah👇 from Wesley primary school blog and This is what I did when I explored her blog.                                         👉👉👉👇

Amazing science experiment!!!

                        Have you ever done a Tornado experiment with only 4 things?

Well, guess what Kea did! On Monday kea did a science experiment about tornados first we had to get into our groups Whaea Sam said to get into groups of four, two girls and two boys.

First Manu and I got into a pair and searched for two boys to join us. Then Manu saw her brother Nafi paired up with Ken and told them to join us so we could be a group.

Next Whaea Sam told us to come with her to Waka Toru, some other groups came as well.

After that, we got a 1.5-liter bottle and sat down at a table. Then we had to tip some water out or it wouldn't form a tornado. Then, we waited for Whaea Sam to finish with the other group so she could come to us. When Whaea Sam came to us she added pinkish-red food colouring and glitter.

A little while later we got to test our  Tornado. We had to shake it then count how long it would take to stop spinning. When we started the shaking Ken's brother Ha'amonga joined our group. Ken had the first turn shaking, his time was 10 seconds, Nafi got the same time, Ha'amonga was up next and got eight seconds, then Manu got two seconds and I got four seconds. Since Ken and Nafi got the most and tied they battled each other to see who could get the final score of longest spinning tornado Nafi won eventually because Ken got ten and Nafi got eleven. 

Finally, we wrote down what we noticed and recognized. We all noticed that when we shook the bottle, it formed a little tornado and we recognized that the glitter followed the water in a circle, which made it easier to see the tornado.

I wonder what would happen if we used two bottles like this photo 

24 hour footprint

 Hello, my name is Cassie I'm a year 6 student at Wesley primary school.

This blog post is about my Smart footprint this term.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Tsunami experiment

                                       Tsunami experiment

          Have you ever done a science experiment on Tsunamis?

Well … On Monday we did a science experiment on Tsunamis. Everyone was so excited.

First, we got into our groups. I was at the front of my group and was told to use my Chromebook to take photos. In my group were Lancy, Juziah, Ahliya, and Princeton. Next,  we got our equipment and sat at our table. The equipment was a newspaper, a container, and some paper. While I was taking pictures Lancy, Juziah and Ahliya were scrunching up the newspaper, while Princeton was making houses out of paper.  


                                                                       After Princeton finished making the first house then Juziah went and got some sand to cover up our newspaper to make a hill then Lancy got even more sand to add to the hill.

After that, Juziah and Lancy got some leaves and plants to make a shield to protect the house. Once all the leaves were placed, Princeton placed the second house.

A little while later, Princeton got some water and poured it into the tray then Whaea Ocea got a piece of cardboard and went back and forth with the cardboard to make strong waves. When the waves stopped we saw that our houses survived the tsunami.

Here is proof ours survived!!!  

Monday, June 14, 2021

Blog profiles

 Hi my name is Cassie

For Cybersmart we are learning about what to share online eg. private stuff like your last name or address. This is so you can see my blog profile slide.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Earthquake experiment

👈Watch this video👈💯 percent good!!!

We did an earthquake experiment to see if we could build a structure that wouldn't fall.

 Our hypothesis is that the buildings would all fall off the board and that actually happened!!! 

What we found difficult was that the little balls holding the board up kept on falling out when we were shaking it for the video to post on class dojo.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Wits poster


Solar system

 This is the solar system creation I did on google drawings with circle shapes and other things then I added a background of stars it technically took 5 minutes to create this.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Erosion experiment writing

Last week ... kea did a science experiment about Erosions. First, we got into groups of Seven and went to our workshop, which was Waka Toru. 

Next, we got given a clipboard and wrote a hypothesis, our hypothesis was that the mountain would flood.Then we wrote the name of our mountain it was Cool girl mountain. After that, we got given a little plastic tub and a plastic cup.

A little while later we put a bunch of sand into the plastic tub it was so much our tub was overflowing.

It was overflowing like a waterfall, after we molded the mountain we decorated it with sticks, leaves, twigs, etc.

Finally, we put some water into our cup and slowly poured it over the tippy-top of the mountain Cool girl it started making a hole. when we had finished we put the sticks, twigs, leaves, etc into the garden and tipped the sand into the sand pit. 


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Facts about Samoa

Samoa, officially the Independent State of Samoa and until 1997 known as Western Samoa, is a Polynesian island country consisting of two main islands, two smaller, inhabited islands, and several smaller, uninhabited islands, including the Aleipata Islands. The capital city is Apia. Did you Know… This country is located in the pacific ocean south of the equator. Samoa is located in Oceania. … The largest island of Samoa is Savaii and the most populated island are of volcanic origin.

This country is known as the “Cradle of Polynesia” because Savai’i island is said to be Hawaiki, the Polynesian homeland. Samoan culture is undoubtedly central to Polynesian life, and its styles of music, dance, and visual art have gained renown throughout the Pacific islands and the world. click me to find out more about Samoa👍

Friday, May 28, 2021

Volcano experiment writing

 Have you ever done a Volcano experiment before and tried to make it erupt? Well… on Monday Kea did a Volcano experiment, everyone was so excited. First we had to fill out a piece of paper on what ingredients we need and how to build it, also to write some hypotheses about what we think will happen. In my group were Sulia, Manu, Fane and Faaseina. Later on, when we went outside the weather was colder than ice. It was like we were in Antarctica.

Next, we filled the tub with sand then we molded it into a Composite Volcano ours was really tall it was taller than the sky tower. Then Sulia, Manu, and Fane went to get some water because we built our Volcano really fast so we still had some time left so they went to get water so we could build a moat around the volcano it was hard to make because our sand was turning as hard as a rock.

After that, we put the water around the volcano and put a container at the top of our volcano. Then on a sticky note and a snapped pencil and made a mini flag. The mini flag represented the first kea volcano of term two because we were the first ones to finish building. 

Finally, we added a few drops of Food colouring. It looked greener than grass. Next, we added Dishwashing liquid and baking soda then we put in the vinegar and it started to bubble like a bubble bath. After that Mr To'oala did a science experiment for us with Diet Coke and mentos and it exploded. I wonder what would've happened if we used more of everything?

Friday, May 21, 2021

Stalactites and Stalagmites Experiment

 Stalactites and Stalagmites Experiment

Have you ever done a Stalactite or Stalagmite experiment before?

Yesterday Kea did a science experiment for writing,the science experiment was about seeing if we could create Stalactites or Stalagmites.

First we got given our ingredients. My group was given two containers and one cup. After we got given our cups,we added a few drops of food coloring.

Next Mel carefully poured hot water into the cup.Then we poured it in,we did 1 cup full per container.Then Whaea Sam came and put two heaped Tablespoons of Baking soda/Epsom salts.Then we stirred it to dissolve it.

Afterwards we twisted wool together, then put the two ends into the two containers. After that we put a piece of cardboard with our names on it then put it in between the two containers.

Finally we wrote our hypothesis on what we think would happen or not. Then we took our two containers and cardboard on the table in Waka tahi. My hypothesis was that I think that the baking soda will attach to the wool  when you pull it out.Two days later in the morning i checked on the containers and little crystals were appearing on the wool!

Friday, March 26, 2021

All blacks experience trip

 On the 26th of March Kea team got split in to Three different groups I was in Mr To'oala's group. We went at Ten o clock. First we went on a bus with Whaea Sam's group to skycity ,it didnt take long to get there. When we were there we went up the Escelator to the next floor. A little while later we got wrist bands Whaea Sam's group got Black, my group got silver. A lady who worked there took us to a small room and told us what we were going to be doing.

After we left the room we look at two different walls one had names of all blacks the other one had where they have been and won . Next we saw a game on a old television , we split into 2 groups  to play games .after went into the All blacks changing rooms . later we saw a haka then went to play some games when Whaea Sams group finished playing games we went across the bridge through the shop and back to the bus to go to school.